First T-Ball Practice

I have been in awe lately. In awe over how big my boys are getting. It seems each week they need me less and less. Each week they hit a different kinds of milestone than the rapid baby development that we were so used to watching. They hit kid milestones now.

And in this milestone, Carter is on his very first t-ball team. And he is having a blast. It helps that his good friends from school Jackson, Bruce, and Lucas are all on the team with him and oh my gosh, it is so fun to watch them.

Here is Bruce during the warm up and first run around the bases. Bruce is the happiest kid I have ever met – he was smiling the whole time he was out there and it was completely infectious for the rest of us. You can’t help but love this kid.


Coach Jeremy had to lead by example … I guess I know where my kids get the “I can’t believe you are taking a photo of me right now” look.T-Ball2014-1

Running the bases … and running out their energy. Lucas is in the green sweatshirt and Jackson is in the Spiderman sweatshirt.T-Ball2014_4x6_4x3-5

These two … we are soooo in for trouble with them.T-Ball2014_4x6-1T-Ball2014_4x6_4x3-3T-Ball2014-2T-Ball2014_4x6_4x3-2T-Ball2014_4x6_4x3-4

Learning how to hold your mitt and the ball was up next.T-Ball2014-3

Uh yeah, this would be my kid.T-Ball2014_4x6-2T-Ball2014-4T-Ball2014_4x6-4T-Ball2014_4x6-3T-Ball2014_4x6-5

This is little Miss Addie. She is the lone girl in the sea of four boys and their three younger brothers.T-Ball2014_4x6-6T-Ball2014_4x6-7

And this is my absolute favorite photo from the day. Those faces kill me.T-Ball2014_4x6-8

365 Project | A Year Of Moments | Week 10 of 52

Another week gone and now we are in double digits. How time flies!


  • We had some serious rock-n-rollin’ happening one day. The boys found a toy guitar and the rest will be shared when Carter tries out for American Idol.
  • Gavin found a shoe brush that I picked up from some hotel or another when I was traveling for business. This made into a fine gun that was then used to shoot everyone and everything in sight.
  • T-Ball time! We signed Carter up for t-ball this year so we had to get him a glove that fits, a few practice t-balls, a tee to hit from and a few other things. I have a feeling he is totally going to be a daisy picker in the outfield.
  • St. Patrick’s Day is upon us soon and I haven’t made cookies in FOREVER. I busted out the royal icing recipe and pulled together some yummy cookies for my boys!
  • The weather is so up and down these day, as is typical for a Seattle spring. We are trying to get outside every possible chance we can and the teeter totter is an awesome place for two little boys to burn off energy.
  • I have Spring fever. Bad. I bought a bowl of hyacinths at Costco this week because I don’t have any in the yard. And now my kitchen smells yummy.
  • Today we got close to sixty degrees outside! Which meant we were playing out there from after lunch until dinner time. I love this photo because it shows how close they are in height, but behind a bench it still seems like they are still so far apart in size!